Our  Location:  1396 Douglas Dr., Suite #22C, Traverse City, MI 49696

Note that a Bible Study Class intended to assist anyone in better understanding the rich history and canonical teachings of Orthodoxy is being held on most Wednesday evenings by Fr. Micah following a short service that varies depending upon the Church calendar as indicated in the calendar shown on this page, and which starts at 6 PM.  Some recent audio recordings of these various classes are posted at the top of the "Links For Seekers" page on this website.
“As spiritual children of the unbroken line of faith handed down to us, we are members of the very same Church as the Apostles of the New Testament.”
  (as spoken by St. Sebastian Dabovich)  
We are an Orthodox Christian mission parish holding services in the Northwestern Michigan area, all in English.  The Diocese sponsoring our parish, and welcoming seekers or Orthodox faithful from all ethnic origins, is the Diocese of Chicago & Mid-America of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside Russia.
(See: https://chicagodiocese.org ;
See also:  Deanery of Michigan:   http://michigandeaneryrocor.org)
Our services are held in observance of the "Julian" Calendar (the so-called "old calendar").

Upcoming Service / Event Dates & Times
Upcoming services will be listed on the left side column on this page.  We meet each Sunday, at 10:00 AM at:
1396 Douglas Drive,
Suite #22C
Traverse City  49696
  • See map on "Contact Us" page on this site
For more detail, please call, or email our Priest:
Father Micah Chisholm
using the following contact information:
Phone:  (989) 324-8773

        (See "Contact Us" Page for a user-friendly form for emailing)

The Scripture Readings for the day are shown below:

This is our Iconostasis 

(Prepared for the Nativity of our Lord God& Savior Jesus Christ)